UK FCA gives crypto startups a hindering hand

The United Kingdom is shutting the door for digital asset firms: Crypto startups are no longer welcome to the country. Late last week, the United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority issued temporary licenses to applicant companies looking to become licensed crypto-asset firms. However, with the publication of this list of temporarily authorized firms has come a […]

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The need for a dialogue between crypto businesses and regulators

Regulators and service providers are collaborating as never before to address systemic vulnerabilities of the crypto industry. This year has been a strong one for digital asset markets, highlighted by growing institutional inflows and a propitious shift in the regulatory environment. Witness the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission’s September letter that says crypto exchanges that comply […]

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CEO shares an early adoption story about selling Bitcoin inside various Taco Bells

Bitcoin goes quite well with tacos. Following an earlier endeavor selling Bitcoin (BTC) at a premium on eBay in 2015, Chris Maurice, CEO of African crypto exchange Yellow Card, made a small business selling the asset at multiple Taco Bell locations. Maurice worked with his friend Justin Poiroux on the endeavor. Poiroux, who later co-founded the Yellow Card exchange, first […]

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This Time It’s Official: Coinbase to Acquire Crypto Brokerage Tagomi

Coinbase is acquiring the prime cryptocurrency brokerage Tagomi as part of its evolving strategy for institutional investors. Major cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase is acquiring the Peter Thiel-backed prime crypto brokerage Tagomi. In an announcement on May 27, the exchange claimed the acquisition agreement came at “an inflection point in the industry,” a moment when increasing numbers […]

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