Is EOS Worth Investing In? A Look at the Underlying Technology

Jeff Berwick of The Dollar Vigilante dubbed EOS an “Ethereum killer” in his interview with Dan Larimer of EOS. Larimer states, “EOS is open-source software that anyone can use to deploy a high performance blockchain, a smart contract platform designed to scale to hundreds-of-thousands or potentially millions of transactions per second.” By comparison, Ripple Consensus […]

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Early Bitcoin Startup Investor Roger Ver on VeChain ICO

VeChain is a blockchain technology company that may disrupt industries like liquor, agriculture and luxury goods. VeChain was established in Singapore in 2017, as a non-profit entity. This foundation is committed to VeChain’s construction and governance, transparency, development. Their mission includes promoting the safety and harmonious development of open source ecological communities. You may wonder […]

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A Blockchain Future: Could Smart Contracts Change the Way We Do Business?

While many people look at digital currencies merely as investment opportunities due to the skyrocketing value of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and other altcoins, some experts believe that the real value of cryptocurrencies is the blockchain technology, which has the potential to change the way we do business, particularly through smart contracts. And, contrary to popular […]

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Amex, CIBC, UBS & Other Big Banks Testing Ripple Blockchain for Transactions

Nearly eight billion people are connected online in a world where cars self-drive and gadgets and appliances can communicate through the IoT (Internet of Things). Amidst this technology, global payments have remained in the disco era by comparison, until now. Daniel ChiangDaniel is an experienced and dynamic entrepreneur with a demonstrated history of launching and […]

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Malaysia Releases Draft Rules to Expand AMLA for Digital Currency Exchanges

The Central Bank of Malaysia, Bank Negara Malaysia (“Bank”) has drafted new regulations to expand reporting requirements for digital currency exchanges under the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act 2001 (AMLA). Daniel ChiangDaniel is an experienced and dynamic entrepreneur with a demonstrated history of launching and operating successful businesses. Skilled in […]

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