Did Bitcoin prove itself to be a reliable store of value in 2020? Experts answer

Experts in blockchain technology and crypto take on the question of Bitcoin’s path throughout the year 2020. Without any doubt, the year 2020 was unlike any other year in the 21st century: The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, global governments unstoppably printing money, “lockdowns” and “social distancing” becoming the new normal, protests against racial discrimination and police […]

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New Bitcoin price highs revive old misconceptions about BTC and crypto

With crypto exceeding all monetary expectations in 2020, some mainstream analysts have reverted to long-forgotten arguments from 2017. As anyone following the crypto industry will have noticed, yes, Bitcoin (BTC) did recently smash its previous all-time high of around $20,000. Now, many analysts anticipate the cryptocurrency to eventually rise to the mid-$30,000s or even higher […]

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